Help change lives


The best way to support people on the streets and create meaningful change is to donate to local charities and support organisations. Each of our chosen charities works to provide street beggars with essentials like food, shelter, and support programmes, helping them rebuild their lives and achieve lasting change. Please donate what you can, every contribution makes a difference.


Once you choose your charity click the donate button and you will be taken through to their donation facility.

THOMAS strives to provide a multidimensional approach to recovery that encompasses our core values. Our programmes of rehabilitation, support intervention and advice intend to transform lives. We are driven by compassion for others and our communities give hope to each individual.

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Nightsafe will work with young people who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness and will provide accommodation, day centres with information, advice and guidance. We will help with emergency needs and empower our young people to play a positive part in their local community.

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We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by Trussell, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

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Rummage Rescuers

Rummage Rescuers CIC was born in 2015 to meet the needs of those in crisis, initially serving mainly the homeless community providing clean clothes and clean sleeping bags. Since then we have expanded and now provide pre-loved goods clothing, footwear, school uniforms, new sleeping bags and hygiene products and kits to those in need locally.

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Red Rose Recovery

Red Rose Recovery is a service user led charity supporting individuals in recovery from addiction, mental health and offending behaviours. We provide peer-led therapeutic support, training and volunteering opportunities which embrace the Five Ways to Wellbeing; Connect, Be Active, Learn, Give Back and Take Notice.

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Phoenix Hub

Phoenix Hub provides unconditional friendship, support, and practical help to people in crisis and in need.

We offer a space for people to access showering and clothes washing/ drying facilities, a warm cooked breakfast and access to a food and clothing bank.

Alongside this we also provide a range of support services such as mental health support, domestic violence advice, substance misuse support, housing support, sexual heath advice and testing, blood borne virus screening and treatment.

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